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KMID : 0359020070340040214
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2007 Volume.34 No. 4 p.214 ~ p.218
Composite Tumor of Gastric Adenoma with Carcinoid Tumor.
Hwang Hee-Jeong

Chung Woo-Chul
Choi Hyun-Joo
Lee Kang-Moon
Yang Jin-Mo
Kim Jae-Kwang
Han Sok-Won
Choi Gyu-Yong
Chung In-Sik
A gastric carcinoid is a rare disease that accounts for only 0.3% of all primary gastric tumors. It can be multiple or occur with other types of tumor. However, there has been a recent increase in incidence. While carcinoids of the appendix and rectum are accompanied by adenoma or adenocarcinoma, a gastric carcinoid rarely occurs with an adenocarcinoma, particularly with a gastric adenoma. We encountered a case of a gastric adenoma and carcinoid mixed as a composite tumor, which became a lesion. The lesion resembled a type IIc early gastric cancer at the endoscopic examination and was removed by an endoscopic mucosal resection. We report a composite tumor of the gastric antrum composed of areas of adenoma and carcinoid, with an analysis of the histological components by immunohistochemical staining. Microscopically, the lesion was composed of a gastric adenoma and carcinoid as a composite tumor.
Gastric carcinoid, Gastric adenoma, Composite tumor
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